Spot On keeps existing fly populations under control. When you're on top of the problem you need to stay on top with a monthly programme. Spot On makes dead certain you're killing the new wave of flies as they emerge.
Different fly species emerge throughout the summer
Fly populations quickly expand to become large irritating swarms
Keep fly problems at bay with regular, frequent treatment: Monthly treatments; starting in April/May
Dose Rate:
Sheep: 5 ml
Cattle: 10 ml
Zero milk withhold in cows producing milk for human consumption
Meat & offal: 17 days in cattle; 35 days in sheep
Not licensed for use in sheep producing milk for human consumption
Spot On Indications:
On cattle: for the control of both sucking and biting lice, including Damalinia bovis, Solenopotes capillatus, Linognathus vituli and Haematopinus eurysternus on all ages of cattle including dairy cattle producing milk for human consumption. Also as an aid in the control of both biting and nuisance flies including Haematobia irritans, Stomoxys calcitrans, Musca species and Hydrotaea irritans.
On sheep: For the control of ticks (Ixodes ricinus) and of lice and keds and established blowfly strike.
Summary of Product Characteristics: Full product licence here
1Skovgard et al, Environmental Entomology (2012) 41(1):20-29