For treatment of infestations of gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms, eyeworms, warbles, sucking and biting lice, mange mites and horn fly in cattle.
A single treatment of 1ml/10kg bodyweight, equivalent to 500μg/kg bodyweight, applied topically along the mid-line of the back in a narrow strip between the withers and tail head.
Meat and offal: 35 days.
Milk: Do not use this product in lactating cows used to produce milk for human consumption, or in dry cows or pregnant dairy heifers within 60 days prior to calving.
Dectomax vs. Ivermectin study1
- Longer protection means extra weight gain, for less work
- In a 7-week study Dectomax treated animals gained 9.1kg more than ivermectin treated animals
Legal Category: POM
Summary of Product Characteristics: Full product licence here.